Well we are in Nashville again. The last time we were in Nashville was around the time I started blogging. I said I would be consistent with it...I have not been. Oh well!
It has been a really fun trip so far. The singing aspect seems to be going much better than last time. I have problems with over-thinking what I'm singing....I seem to be getting over that.
I feel very blah today. I'm not quite sure why. I feel like have no mood. I can't describe my mood so I'll show you.

How about that double chin action! Woo! The signs of being almost 25! We went to the gym last night and I ran/jogged/walked 1.5 miles. I'm training for a 5k! I'm so excited. I've never done anything remotely athletic like that before. I'm rambling. Well, I'll call it quits for now. Hopefully my next blog will be interesting and stick with one topic at a time.