Thursday, August 13, 2009

We just got back a few days ago from around 10 days of travel. Myrtle Beach with Rog's family and then 2 concerts in Indiana. It was a really great week. Here's what I took away from the beach:

The waves there are not super high. I bet nothing like California or Australia. Those waves in Myrtle Beach are like the pinky toe nail of what God is capable of. I mean Tornados, Hurricanes, Lightening. Those waves are tiny. But I could barely stand up in them. They tossed me and spun me and hit me and flipped me. In them I felt totally out of control. If those tiny waves that I can't even stand in are just the pinky toe nail of what God can do, then why is it so hard for me to trust Him? Those waves reminded me who I am. To God I must look like an ant. An ant that He loves and He can take care of. So next time I feel like worrying about money, or the future, or the present, I'm going to try to think about those waves. And think about the God who created them, created me, and is in control of everything!


  1. Delightful to read. He IS in control of everything, why is that so hard for us to submit to?

  2. who's that sexy man next to you?
