Thursday, October 15, 2009

1,000 Beach Days

"One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches." Psalm 84:10 MSG

I love going on vacation. Normally a few days before we have to come home from vacation I get really sad - then on the last day I might tear up a little bit.
And why wouldn't I? Beautiful water, puffy clouds, blue sky, palm trees, white sand, light breeze. I could live like that for 1,000 days. And this scripture says that ONE day with God is better than that. This is the kind of scripture that changes your attitude. It makes you realize that life might be hard sometimes, being a christian might be challenging, but once we're with Jesus, everything will be worth it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Favorite moment of today....

I know I always say this, but I'm going to really try to start blogging again. :)
Anyways, my favorite moment of today so far was when Analisa, Piper and me went to meet my mom and gram at Chick-fil-a. Piper was talking a lot so we tried to see how many words we could get her to say.
"Piper say Pam."
"Good job! Now Piper say Myrtle."

So adorable.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I am back! We had an amaaaazing time in Florida. My parents are "the bomb". I'm so thankful for them taking us on that wonderful trip to see Mickey Mouse. I felt so relaxed the night we came home. Then the next day it hit me. The overwhelming anxiety of life and bills and budgeting and busyness. I couldn't believe how anxious I was! So I am doing a few things differently to try and kick this anxiety habit I have somehow formed.
The first thing is spending time with God FIRST thing in the morning. My day goes so much differently when I put God first, spend time in His word and prayer. I prayed for longer than I have in a long time yesterday and the joy and peace and energy I had afterward was amazing. I always wonder how I can KNOW that prayer changes my life and then forget to do it so often.
The other thing I'm trying is Yoga. I've noticed that I get into bed at night and I will be grinding my teeth together because that's how tense I am. So I picked a yoga show out on Netflix and said to myself, "If there's anything weird I'll just turn it off." So I did the whole thing. It was so nice and relaxing - just breathing and stretching. It felt great. Then at the very end the host said, "My divine inner light salutes your divine inner light." Weird.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I love cereal. Yesterday I had two bowls before 11am. Then while I watched "Saved by the bell" and "That's so Raven" I had another mug full. A combination of Apple Jacks and Captain Crunch with Berries. So I decided to make a list of my top 3 favorite cereals of all time.
3. Reece's Peanut Butter Balls or whatever they're called
2. Smores (oh yes)
1. Oh's

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well we are in Nashville again. The last time we were in Nashville was around the time I started blogging. I said I would be consistent with it...I have not been. Oh well!
It has been a really fun trip so far. The singing aspect seems to be going much better than last time. I have problems with over-thinking what I'm singing....I seem to be getting over that.
I feel very blah today. I'm not quite sure why. I feel like have no mood. I can't describe my mood so I'll show you.

How about that double chin action! Woo! The signs of being almost 25! We went to the gym last night and I ran/jogged/walked 1.5 miles. I'm training for a 5k! I'm so excited. I've never done anything remotely athletic like that before. I'm rambling. Well, I'll call it quits for now. Hopefully my next blog will be interesting and stick with one topic at a time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We just got back a few days ago from around 10 days of travel. Myrtle Beach with Rog's family and then 2 concerts in Indiana. It was a really great week. Here's what I took away from the beach:

The waves there are not super high. I bet nothing like California or Australia. Those waves in Myrtle Beach are like the pinky toe nail of what God is capable of. I mean Tornados, Hurricanes, Lightening. Those waves are tiny. But I could barely stand up in them. They tossed me and spun me and hit me and flipped me. In them I felt totally out of control. If those tiny waves that I can't even stand in are just the pinky toe nail of what God can do, then why is it so hard for me to trust Him? Those waves reminded me who I am. To God I must look like an ant. An ant that He loves and He can take care of. So next time I feel like worrying about money, or the future, or the present, I'm going to try to think about those waves. And think about the God who created them, created me, and is in control of everything!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Divine Nature

I read an awesome devotion last night that really blessed me. I was amazed because normally this book (My Utmost for His Highest) will be confusing for me or I'll only understand part of what he's trying to say. Last night I got all of it.
It says in 2 Peter that we are partakers in the divine nature of God. We have to try to work that divine nature into our human nature. One of the first habits to form within the divine nature is recognizing God's providence in our lives. He said "God would reach for the last grain of sand or the remotest star to bless us if we will only obey Him."
It really ministered to me and made me realize the importance in trusting in God's providence. He is God Almighty - capable of anything and everything. And we have access to Him. Why do we worry so much? Why are we anxious about how we're going to pay bills? I pray that I would be able to live in this divine nature where trusting in God's providence in part of who I am.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Streamlining my life...

We have been SO busy this summer...praise the Lord. But there is too much stuff in my life!
Before tonight I had 2 emails, plus my business email. And a facebook, and a blog, and twitter.....blah blah blah
So now by signing up with gmail I can have facebook, twitter, blogger, news, weather, mail...everything all in one spot. I need this in my life. The easier the better. I could just cut all of that stuff out but I think it's important to keep up with friends and family and all of this web stuff is a good way of doing it. Anyways, sorry for this being the 3rd time I've changed my blog address...but it will be for good. :) (I don't like as much without the "s" but oh well!)