Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Prayer is good....

I spent some time in prayer tonight for The Sound. It's amazing to me how we can go for so long without it. I pray everyday. In my car, in the shower, while I'm folding laundry. But I never make time to REALLY pray. To go in my room, lock the door and not look at the clock. Just pray until I'm done....or until God's done. I am amazed at the peace and relief I feel right can I not want that feeling all the time? Prayer is awesome and I plan on having more of these moments from now on.


  1. Thank you for that reminder. :)

  2. Good thoughts Lisa. I remember someone once saying that we should take as much time in prayer as we take in reading God's word. Ok, so you have to actually be in God's word for this to work! The thought is that we can sit and spend much time reading and we should take that same time to communicate with God in prayer.
    Alyssa and I started a blog...check it out when you get a chance.
